Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A helping hand... Anti-chafe products that people rarely talk about

I don't get it. What's the big secret? Maybe active enthusiasts have long since talked about it to death that no one has decided to resurrect the topic? (shrug)

I don't like blisters or soreness. Does anyone? Well here's a handy tip for us new folks - anti-chafe/anti-friction topical applications. They're absolutely worth their weight in gold, but actually aren't all that expensive. I used to get a lot of blisters on the bottom of my foot and also near the back of the ankle where it meets the heel of the shoe. Especially on the longer walks/runs. There are few things that will sideline your training as effectively as a bad blister. The best way to deal with them is to avoid them in the first place - so try this on for size:


My personal preference is the Asics Chafe Free - there's two versions of it, but the one pictured is the $15 variety and the one pictured next to it is the popular Body Glide (great for wetsuits and chamois-type bicycle shorts) for $9-$10. I prefer the Asics version because it goes on thick and dies just as quickly as the Body Glide - and that 1.5 oz, similar to the Body Glide 1.3 oz, lasts for a good number of applications - a little will go a long way. Just apply to the areas you experience friction/chafing, allow it to dry (under half a minute) and you'll experience a blister-free training session during those longer excursions.

A few co-workers have mentioned using 2 Toms Sport Shield and Blister Shield (usually available from specialty running and cycling stores), but I don't have any experience with their products - I do know they're priced relatively similar to the Asics Chafe Free product line. Just so you know, I use the Asics for my feet whereas the Body Glide is for when I'm wearing bicycle shorts for all my cycling activities. But, it works equally well for those long walking and running activities.

Did you find this relatively boring? You don't have to answer that... but I felt compelled to pass on this little bit of advice. So there!

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