Sunday, November 13, 2011

"Say, anyone seen Jim lately?"

Sorry 'bout that! I've been so selfishly self-absorbed with my trip to New York - but now that I'm back, just a quick recap on my knee and other innocuous things:

Well, it's still there. The knee that is. But much, much better! I have a feeling though that I'm pushing things a bit fast - I really have to learn how to do two things right: 1) Being patient; 2) Listening to my body - especially the important moving parts, like joints. 

A couple Thursdays ago (I know! I haven't written since then!) I did a couple of back to back, easy treadmill runs of 5 miles each. Here's an idea of what our gym at work looks like:

Yes, it's usually that empty after work hours...

C'mon... with a name like that, it must be a healthy room to be in, right? They need to seriously get that A/C or thermostat fixed in there. Personally, I think it's some kind of management tool to keep us out of that gym!

So by Saturday, I was feeling pretty darn good about my knee so I powered out another 5 miles on the pavement with some hill work. Come Monday, the day before my trip to NY, I put on 8 miles of outdoor bliss and it was a great run... until about 7 and three-quarter miles into it, I could feel that persistent pain in my right knee again. Why do I do that to myself? 

I have to keep in mind that running on a treadmill (without an incline) and trying to heal can be successful, but that feeling of running pain-free can be overwhelming, but it isn't an open ended ticket to rush out and hit the pavement and hills. There's the impatient part. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

Anyway - for you gym folks... ever notice how hot it can get in a gym? I'm thinking 56 degrees is where the thermostat should be set. None of that sissy 70 degrees stuff - yeah, sure, for weight lifting that's fine, but the runners/spinning/rowing/elliptical people - we need a ginormous fan or some serious cold-factor kicking in through the vents!

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