Monday, October 24, 2011

Runner's Knee... or, "Hi, how are you? Me? I'm doing... horrible."

Okay, not to start off with a whining session - this is about shared experiences and you know what? I'm going to share my misery! (I'll try to tone it down a little...)

My knee is really aching today and I can't help but think this will sideline my runs for the next several days... maybe a week? Just reading my prior posts, it's not too hard to see where I went wrong: I went beyond the 10% mileage increase rule (too much, too soon) and I packed in a heavy dosage of hills (hard to avoid it, but still, I should have known better and there's always somewhere with flat terrain that I could drive to). Here's a good idea of what I'm experiencing now - Runner's World - Runner's Knee - not IT Band, but PFPS... and man oh man is it painful.

I keep reading about the two camps; one advocating the 10% increase rule, while the other says "hogwash!" ...I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that as of this writing, I'm in the "10%" camp.

Well, this isn't the first time I've experienced this injury and I'm sure it won't be the last. Live and learn - time to get some rest and heed the simple advice of RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

Say, any of you have any injuries to relate to? Please feel free to comment... and remember, I'm not a doctor... but I play one on TV.

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